Kids Korner Gift Shoppes - Where children have been learning the job of giving since 1989 -- Over 25,000,000 children served.

Our founders were past Local and Council PTA Presidents and we are

Right here in Hilliard, Ohio -  ready to Serve You!

Text 253-288-0909 with

your name, your group's name

and city & state for FREE

samples & more information.

Kids' Korner Gift Shoppes®

FREE use of a CASH Register . . .


Some Holiday Shop Suppliers offer to give you a phone application and suggest you and your volunteers use their smart phone to record sales . . . Kids' Korner® does not.  If you are making CASH sales you need a CASH Register for the same reason national retailers like Walmart®, Sears®, Safeway®, and even Apple® use a CASH Register to record CASH sales.   You have an Audit Trail and less chance of money going missing.


With the Kids' Korner® programmable CASH Register the Cashier doesn't have to remember the prices of each item -- she just presses the key that matches the Price Code on the item and the right price is rung up.


With the Kids' Korner® programmable CASH Register the parents receive a receipt showing the amount their child has spent (not the items).


With the Kids' Korner® programmable CASH Register program you don't have to Inventory -- saving you and your volunteers hours of valuable time.



Click here to request information for your board meeting.

Need more information right away?  --  Don't wait call (614) 465-2547